Venturing into the world of online advertising can be a bit overwhelming, given the array of specialized terms and concepts. Whether you’re just dipping your toes in or find yourself needing a concise reference, this list serves as a handy guide to some foundational terms in the digital advertising realm.

  1. Impression: The display of an ad to a user on a digital platform.
  2. Click: A user’s interaction with an ad, leading them to a destination site.
  3. Conversion: A desired action taken by a user, like a purchase or sign-up, after clicking on an ad.
  4. CTR (Click-Through Rate): The percentage of ad views that result in clicks.
  5. eCPM (Effective Cost Per Mille): The estimated cost of 1,000 ad impressions.
  6. Direct Traffic: Visitors arriving at a site by directly entering the URL or using bookmarks.
  7. Creative: The visual or auditory component of an advertisement, such as banners, videos, or interactive graphics.
  8. Ad Rotation: The cycling of different advertisements in a single ad slot to optimize viewer experience.
  9. Ad Network: A platform connecting advertisers with publishers to display ads. One of the most well-known is Google Ads.
  10. Banner: A form of rectangular advertisement displayed on websites.
  11. Pre-roll: A video ad that plays before the main video content.
  12. Post-roll: A video ad that plays after the main video content concludes.
  13. Trafficback: On ad networks, publishers set a trafficback URL to redirect traffic when certain conditions aren’t met, such as when bid prices are too low. This allows publishers to take back and reallocate the unsold traffic as they see fit.
  14. Fallback: A backup ad displayed when the primary ad fails to load or doesn’t meet certain criteria.
  15. CPA (Cost Per Action): The cost incurred when a user takes a specific action due to an ad.
  16. PPS (Pay Per Sale): An advertiser pays for each sale generated through an advertisement.
  17. PPL (Pay Per Lead): An advertiser pays for each lead or customer inquiry generated through an advertisement.
  18. Revshare (Revenue Share): An arrangement where publishers receive a percentage of the revenue generated by their referred traffic.

For those wanting to dive deeper and acquaint themselves with a broader range of terms related to online advertising, be sure to explore our comprehensive glossary. It offers detailed explanations for many other terms and concepts prevalent in the industry.

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