Understanding the importance and mechanics of a “301 redirect” is crucial for anyone dealing with online advertising and web development.

What is a 301 Redirect?

A “301 redirect” is a way to tell web browsers and search engines that a web page or site has been permanently moved to a new location. This status code ensures that the site’s visitors get to the intended page and that any accumulated search engine authority (like links and organic search rankings) from the old page is passed to the new one.

What is the Purpose of a 301 Redirect?

The main purposes of a 301 redirect are:

  1. User Experience: Ensures visitors find what they’re looking for if a URL changes.
  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Helps in retaining the search engine ranking power of the old page. Without a 301 redirect, the SEO value could be lost.
  3. Rebranding and Domain Changes: If a company changes its domain name, 301 redirects ensure visitors are sent to the new domain.
  4. URL Cleanup: Helps in consolidating several web pages under one URL or ensuring that URLs are consistent and clean.

How to Do a 301 Redirect

Implementing a 301 redirect depends on the server and platform you’re using. Here are some popular methods:

301 Redirect .htaccess

If you’re using an Apache server, you can set up 301 redirects using the .htaccess file. Here’s a basic example:

Redirect 301 /oldpage.html http://www.yourdomain.com/newpage.html

PHP 301 Redirect

To execute a 301 redirect in PHP, you can include the following at the top of your PHP file:

phpCopy code

<?php header(“Location: http://www.newdomain.com/newpage”, true, 301); exit(); ?>

Nginx 301 Redirect

If your website is hosted on an Nginx server, you can use the rewrite directive in your server’s configuration:

server { … location ~ /oldpage { rewrite ^(.*)$ http://www.yourdomain.com/newpage permanent; } … }

301 Redirect Shopify

On Shopify, you can manage redirects within the platform:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Navigation.
  2. Click “URL Redirects” then “Add URL redirect.”
  3. Enter the old URL in “Redirect from” and the new URL in “Redirect to.”
  4. Click “Add.”

301 Redirect in PHP

As mentioned earlier, you can implement a 301 redirect in PHP by using the header() function. This ensures a permanent redirection.

301 vs. 302 Redirect

While a 301 redirect indicates a permanent move, a 302 redirect signals a temporary one. Here’s a comparison:

  1. SEO Value: A 301 redirect passes between 90-99% of link equity to the redirected page, whereas a 302 often retains the SEO value at the original page.
  2. Usage: 301 is used when content has permanently moved (e.g., deleted pages or domain changes). 302 is used during site maintenance or A/B testing.

When Would It Be Necessary to 301 Redirect?

  1. Site Redesign: If you’re updating your website and changing URL structures.
  2. Domain Change: Migrating to a new domain and ensuring the old traffic is sent to your new site.
  3. Merging Content: If you have similar content on two pages and decide to merge them.
  4. Securing Your Website: Redirecting HTTP traffic to HTTPS after securing your site with an SSL certificate.


Whether you’re in online advertising or web development, understanding the dynamics of a “301 redirect” is essential. It ensures optimal user experience, maintains SEO value, and facilitates smooth site transitions. Always make sure to test your redirects after implementation to guarantee they’re working correctly.

Posted in: SEO

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